

I am not sure what you meant by "need to design login page more
beautiful", but if you want to redesign the logon screen, I would be
pleased if you did but could you please include my suggestion below.


Suggestion: It would be great if the "Domain" option did not display if
there was only one option, that is if there is nothing for the user to
choose from.


Reasoning for the suggestion: ON the logon screen, if you are using a
local database,  the "Domain" option says "local DB [internal]".   I do
not know why the "Domain" option is there (I guess for LDAP enabled
authentication?), but it is confusing to our users as there is nothing
for them to select, other than the only option of "local DB [internal]".






George Kirkham




From: Mukesh Reddy [] 
Sent: Monday, 14 May 2012 11:13 PM
Subject: RE: text-rotation
Importance: High


Sorry Sebastian,


              I need to design login page more beautiful, not to rotate
the white board text.


Thanks and Regards,

Mukesh Reddy,

Java Associate Engineer,


Office: 040-67339635 



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