I have tested 1) and 2) and these issues have been fixed. Looks good, works well ! thanks. I used "svn checkout pp/" which 'Checked out revision 1337752.", as I expect that revision 1337752 would contain "1337492" as well. 1) When the moderator hovers over the red disable icon of the "Allow/Deny right to give exclusive audio" column for either of the two other participants, the text that hovers is "Allow user to give exclusive audio", but after they have been granted rights to give exclusive audio, if you hover over the green circled tick, then the text says "User is Moderator, he can do anything.", where as it would be more correct if the hover text said "Remove ability to give exclusive audio", like the "Remove ability to draw on the whiteboard". The "Allow/Deny right to Remote Control Screen" ticks also has the same issue (they display "User is Moderator, he can do anything."). In fact in this scenario the statement "User is Moderator, he can do anything." is incorrect as this user is not a moderator. 2) I would have expected that giving users the "Allow user to give exclusive audio" would allow users to control the who currently has exclusive audio (i.e. whose mic is not muted), but the users cannot control the use of "exclusive audio" (unless they are made moderators). Thanks, George Kirkham IT Manager Cooperative Research Centre For Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) NFF House, 14 - 16 Brisbane Avenue, Barton, ACT, 2600, Australia T: (02) 6120 1600 F: (02) 6273 7181 E:, W: From: [] Sent: Saturday, 12 May 2012 7:55 PM To: Subject: Re: exclusive audio in Build #68 Hallo Geroge, 1) + 2) should be solved with Sebastian