I think so too, however we should have a look why the LDAP user has no
timezone in its profile. Either this happens while the user is populated by
our LDAP integration or it did get lost while exporting/importing.
Maybe we should also add a new (optional) mapping "ldap_user_attr_timezone"
in the ldap config file to enable mapping between the user's time zone in
ldap and in OpenMeetings.
If the key "ldap_user_attr_timezone" is not configured or if it cannot be
mapped to a timezone in OpenMeetings, then the user gets the timezone
configured in the configuration table (default.timezone).

The current implementation that creates the config key "default.timezone"
in the class ImportInitValues.java is also wrong.
Line 458 => the implementation I made is based on the paradigma that there
are exactly 24 timezones.
The config should use the same timezone as defined for the user.


2012/5/3 Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>

> Maybe "server timezone" can be used in such case?
> is it also fails - we can set it to GMT (to have this field NOT NULL)
> On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:07 PM, seba.wag...@gmail.com <
> seba.wag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Seems like the problem is that your users have not timezone in their
>> profile.
>> I think this is a problem that is not addressed yet as there is no way of
>> specifying a timezone for the LDAP imported users.
>> You could fix that for now by stopping your red5 service and setting a
>> timezone in the users table directly in the database in the column
>> "omtimezoneId".
>> I guess that should fix the error in saving the user profile.
>> Sebastian
>> 2012/5/1 Heather Bissell <hbiss...@cmtonline.com>
>>> Here are the links for error and red5. The openmeetings log was too
>>> large for the site so I have attached it.****
>>> ** **
>>> error.log - http://pastebin.com/ELUPZ7Z1****
>>> ** **
>>> red5.log - http://pastebin.com/e7xqCZ7a****
>>> ** **
>>> Thanks****
>>> Heather ****
>>> _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
>>> ****
>>> Heather Bissell | *CMT* - Computer Management Technologies, Inc.|731
>>> Gratiot Ave. • Saginaw , MI  48602****
>>> ( 989.791.4860 ext. 131 |7 989.791.4928 |*  *hbiss...@cmtonline.com*****
>>> ** **
>>> *An Employee Owned Company * *"Striving to Serve with Excellence"***
>>> ** **
>>> Disclaimer: This electronic mail transmission is privileged and
>>> confidential and is intended only for the use by the party to whom it is
>>> addressed. ****
>>> If you have received this transmission in error, please disregard and
>>> notify the sender.****
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* seba.wag...@gmail.com [mailto:seba.wag...@gmail.com]
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 01, 2012 2:59 AM
>>> *To:* openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: Issue with editing users****
>>> ** **
>>> Hi Heather,
>>> could you please share your openmeetings.log/error.log/red5.log files?
>>> You might cut and paste them somewhere to pastebin.com and just send
>>> the links to the list here.
>>> Sebastian****
>>> 2012/4/30 Heather Bissell <hbiss...@cmtonline.com>****
>>> I think I found a bug…****
>>>  ****
>>> I just upgraded my openmeetings server to
>>> openmeetings-2.0.0.r1332014-29-04-2012_2306. I used the system backup
>>> before the upgrade and then system import after the upgrade.****
>>>  ****
>>> I had a 3 users in the system that where put in via LDAP. After the
>>> upgrade…I am unable to end any information for those user. I had another
>>> user login via LDAP (never had logged in before) and I am able to edit user
>>> information with no troubles.****
>>>  ****
>>> Any idea why this is happening?****
>>>  ****
>>>  ****
>>> Thanks****
>>> Heather ****
>>> _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
>>> ****
>>> Heather Bissell | *CMT* - Computer Management Technologies, Inc.|731
>>> Gratiot Ave. • Saginaw , MI  48602****
>>> ( 989.791.4860 ext. 131 |7 989.791.4928 |*  *hbiss...@cmtonline.com*****
>>>  ****
>>> *An Employee Owned Company * *"Striving to Serve with Excellence"*****
>>>  ****
>>> Disclaimer: This electronic mail transmission is privileged and
>>> confidential and is intended only for the use by the party to whom it is
>>> addressed. ****
>>> If you have received this transmission in error, please disregard and
>>> notify the sender.****
>>>  ****
>>> --
>>> Sebastian Wagner
>>> https://twitter.com/#!/dead_lock
>>> http://www.openmeetings.de
>>> http://www.webbase-design.de
>>> http://www.wagner-sebastian.com
>>> seba.wag...@gmail.com****
>> --
>> Sebastian Wagner
>> https://twitter.com/#!/dead_lock
>> http://www.openmeetings.de
>> http://www.webbase-design.de
>> http://www.wagner-sebastian.com
>> seba.wag...@gmail.com
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

Sebastian Wagner

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