Hello Jon,

All questions are valid, and require coding and bug fixes to get
properly answered. A short answer could be "you are welcome to send a
patch". :-)

Which issue is most critical for you?

With best regards / с наилучшими пожеланиями,
Alexei Fedotov / Алексей Федотов,
+7 916 562 8095

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 8:56 PM, Jon Cyr <j...@cloudyit.com> wrote:
> I'm rolling out OpenMeetings, and I have a few questions.
> 1) I'd like to shut off the messages area... I think this is a little
> confusing, and it didn't work well for me.  Is there a switch to remove it
> from the top-right menu area, or do I have to learn how to build this app
> from source?
> 2) I'm having some time zone shift problems.  The main group is in GMT-5,
> but have satellite offices across the US GMT-6, GMT-7.  Should I set the
> default to GMT/UTC, and then have each user declare their timezone?  I think
> it's set to GMT-5 right now, and some appointments shifted times.  What's
> best practices on time zones?
> 3) Is there a way to change the way dates display in text form.  It keeps
> showing DD-MM-YYYY (European Abbreviation), where in the US, people expect
> MM-DD-YYYY (US Abbreviation), or maybe DD-Month-YYYY  3-Oct-2012 would work
> for everybody, but introduces language into date display?
> 4) I just installed 1.9.1, and I can't seem to drag files from the My Files
> area, to the Room Files area.  I can upload to both, and both work fine.  I
> can drag recordings from My Recordings to Group? Recordings.   Is this a
> bug, or is it me?
> 5) There's a mismatch in naming of Room types, from the Calendar Add Event
> dialog, it shows, Conference, Event and Restricted.  It's unclear to me,
> what Event is?  Is this me, again?
> This mailing list has been very helpful, and much appreciated.  Any insight
> you can provide will be much appreciated.
> Jon Cyr
> Warwick, RI , USA

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