...what version is your svn compilation?

El jue, 29-03-2012 a las 18:05 +0100, Hamdi Thabet escribió:
> It's listening on port 8100. I joined a screen shot.
> Le 29 mars 2012 11:54, greenes <zurca...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>         ...download this program, if you have not
>         any other similar, to see if OpenOffice
>         is listen on 8100 port:
>         http://www.portablefreeware.com/?id=83
>         ...no need installation and is a 64-bit version.
>         If there is the number 8100 then OpenOffice is
>         working, if not...please tell it.
>         .............
>         El jue, 29-03-2012 a las 17:25 +0100, Hamdi Thabet escribió:
>         > I have done this command line but the problem isn't solved
>         yet.
>         >
> -- 
> Hamdi THABET
> Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
> Maîtrisard en informatique
> Technicien en Réseau informatique et Télécoms
> GSM : [+216] 52 72 27 25
> hamdi.thabe...@gmail.com
> image001.jpg

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