Hello Sunil,

I'm afraid this is a bug. You likely need a technical person to fix it. The
best thing you can do without tech knowledge is to report the bug to the
tracking system.


Thank you

On Sunday, March 18, 2012, Tutor Pace via LinkedIn wrote:

>  LinkedIn
> *Tutor Pace* has sent you a message.
> *Date:* 3/17/2012
> *Subject:* Hi
> Hi Alexi
> We are currently using open meetings . I was wondering if you have any
> idea why whiteboard ID does not start with 1. when i open a whiteboard
> session , the number on the whiteboard always seems to be an uneven number
> like whiteboard 458, 1257. How do we fix it ? Do we need a technical person
> to fix it?
> Thank you in advance for replying to this message.
> Regards
> Sunil Kumar
> View/reply to this 
> message<http://www.linkedin.com/e/-gwscq2-gzx7nkxk-6/qgm-qzYIg_ghPcU620m-n719PisVout59hG_YE/mbi/I302514558_15/?hs=false&tok=3fToYHdHQOM581>
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With best regards / с наилучшими пожеланиями,
Alexei Fedotov / Алексей Федотов,
+7 916 562 8095
  • Hi Alexei Fedotov

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