Hi Natalie,

please use the public mailing list to discuss with everybody involved in
the project:

I think you simply mixed up the params, remember there are three ports to
configure. Seems like you mixed up rtmp and rtmpt in your client config.


2012/2/10 nathalie.cros <nathalie.c...@univ-montp2.fr>

> Dear Sebastian,
> To improve our collaborative project communication we have chosen to install 
> the very promissing openmeetings application.
> It is currently running on a centos 5 server, without any specific 
> integration.
> It works fine for most of the users except for those who have a too 
> restrictive firewall that can only accept connection through ports 80 & 443. 
> Because of that we already tried to configure alternative ports by changing 
> HTTP port to 80 and rtmpT to 443 as described at the following URL: 
> http://incubator.apache.org/openmeetings/PortSettings.html  . Changing 
> computer or clear the browser cache didn't help.
> Monitoring the ports confirms only ports 80 and 443 to be used during the 
> session.
> Unfortunately, for a given participant in particular, the connection starts 
> with port 443 and it switches immediately to port 8088 that the firewall 
> obviously blocks, killing the session (see attached screen shot).
> I intensively searched over the web for a solution without success.
> For the project needs I would like to have this to work by the end of 
> February …
> Would it be possible for you to help us on that point?
> Please let me know if we can find an arrangement for your contribution
> Many thanks in advance
> Nathalie Cros
> Project Manager
> Tel: +33(0)668648148

Sebastian Wagner

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