If you re-run the installer you should truncate the database before doing that.
To re-run the installer you delete the file

Then you can run http://host:port/openmeetings/install again and
import everything from scratch into the database.


2012/1/27 Allen Underdown <wbrc...@gmail.com>:
> Is there a way I can just force a re-run of the initial setup page?  I don't
> have anything to loose.  Email is not working.  I went out to
> /var/spool/mail/ and there is nothing there.  I thought if I could catch the
> outbound email
> I could capture the link.
> I'd rather not have to dig into MySQL tables and hash codes..
> Allen
> On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 1:58 AM, seba.wag...@gmail.com
> <seba.wag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There is a "reset password" functionality in the login shield? It mails
>> you a special link to the reset password page.
>> Otherwise you need to build a MD5 Hash of the new password and edit the
>> users table and enter the password there.
>> Sebastian
>> 2012/1/27 Allen Underdown <wbrc...@gmail.com>
>>> Rebuilt the system - ran the install page.
>>> Either mis typed or messed up the initial admin password.
>>> How can I reset the first user/admin password.  I have access to the
>>> console and sudo..
>>> Allen
>> --
>> Sebastian Wagner
>> http://www.openmeetings.de
>> http://incubator.apache.org/openmeetings/
>> http://www.webbase-design.de
>> http://www.wagner-sebastian.com
>> seba.wag...@gmail.com

Sebastian Wagner

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