
either you need a headset,
or you only enable the microphone of a single speaker at a time. There is a
button "give exclusive microphone" to do that with a single click.


2012/1/27 Lapointe Martin <>

> **
> Ok but why, when we all use Skype, we do not have any problem with that ?
> With Open meeting, we can hear our voice on our speaker probably because
> it pass across others microphone.
> If we shut down Open Meeting and start skype, this problem stop !
> On OpenMeeting, if we let the speeker at medium, we can hear our voice and
> it starts to get louder and louder until it bEEEEEPs
> How can I solve this ??
> Need a headset ?
>  ------------------------------
> *De :* []
> *Envoyé :* vendredi, janvier 27, 2012 1:44 AM
> *À :*
> *Objet :* Re: Is it noice cancelation ?
> Hi Martin,
> the Echo Cancellation build in the Flash Player is quite basic. However in
> most cases the Echo Cancellation is build into the microphone, not into the
> conferencing software.
> For example you can use various versions of the "phoenix conference
> microphone":
> In OpenMeetings itself you can click on other participants microphone
> status to mute the micro. That should also help to reduce the echo coming
> from other headphones, cause the echo cancellation of usual microphones can
> only reduce your own voice from the speaker, not the voice of other
> participants.
> Sebastian
> 2012/1/26 Lapointe Martin <>
>> **
>> When using skype, there is no probleme at all ! But when using
>> OpenMeeting, I can hear my voice on others microphone and it become VERY
>> loud ! I need to praticly shut down my speaker, but then I cannot hear
>> other peaple talk ! Everything works fine on Skype, why isn't it working on
>> Open Meeting ? It feels like everyone should wear a headset !
>> Thank you very much,
>> Martin L.
> --
> Sebastian Wagner

Sebastian Wagner

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