You might start by studying the build instructions to get a feeling
how to produce a binary package of OpenMeetings:


2012/1/21 Norbert Haag <>:
> :-) I will consider it :-)
> Can you point me to a place where I can have a look on the sources (best
> would be those that cope with the storing and retrieving) ?
> Have a great weekend
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: []
> Gesendet: Samstag, 21. Januar 2012 13:10
> An:
> Betreff: Re: Every user can delete recordings
> Hi Norbert,
> *Worse is however, that any user can delete any recording.*
> => Well only if you do not place it in your private section.
> There might be plans to extend that in the future but if you would
> like to see this implemented fast your contributions are welcome :)
> Sebastian
> 2012/1/21 Norbert Haag <>:
>> Well, yes but that means I am not able to share recordings with a special
>> group. Worse is however, that any user can delete any recording.
>> Would you consider to implement a dedicated group(organization) folder?
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: []
>> Gesendet: Samstag, 21. Januar 2012 12:39
>> An:
>> Betreff: Re: Every user can delete recordings
>> if you don't want other users to be able to delete your recording you
>> should place it in your private folder.
>> The public folder is as the name indicates "public" anybody can
>> read/write/delete files in that folder.
>> Sebastian
>> 2012/1/21 Norbert Haag <>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just came about a very strange behavior of openmeetings.
>>> ·         I have set-up various groups (organizations)
>>> ·         The default group (organization) is where a newly registered
>> user
>>> is a member by default
>>> ·         None of the rooms are open to the public (all rooms set to
>>> <Public> <false>
>>> ·         I recorded a session in one of the private rooms which is set
> as
>> a
>>> private room for an organization called lecturer
>>> ·         I set the recoding to public (as I suppose keeping it under “my
>>> recordings” would prevent other members of the organization to playback)
>>> ·         I logged out and logged in with a default user (no special
>>> credentials)
>>> ·         Looking at the recording tab at first no public recordings
>> showed
>>> up
>>> ·         Clicking on the public recordings folder however shows the
>>> recording all of a sudden
>>> ·         Worse the user is able to DELETE the recording (mind you this
> is
>>> the nilli vanilli user John Doe type style)
>>> Can anybody point me to an explanation for this behavior? Or is this just
>>> one of the issues that need to be addressed (access rights to recordings)
>>> Have a great weekend all and don’t take it as a harsh criticism as I love
>>> the system and hope it will stay around.
>> --
>> Sebastian Wagner
> --
> Sebastian Wagner

Sebastian Wagner

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