Hi Cristiano,

the Timezone handling was heavily refactored in OpenMeetings version 1.9.x.
So first of all you should upgrade to that version first to make sure that
your implementation meets the API also in the current version.

The current implementation expects the time/date transfered to the API call
to be in the timezone that is set in the user-profile of the web-service
API user that you are using.

So if the SOAP User you're using has the GMT time zone, the 8 o'clock today
is treated as 8 o'clock GMT today, if the SOAP User has PST set in his user
profile in OpenMeetings, 8 o'clock is treated as 8 o'clock PST.

The timestamps in database-tables are all in the servers timezone since
version 1.9.x.

The time/date in the UI that you see are based on the TimeZone of the
user's profile that you are using to login into OpenMeetings.

So you see ... there no short answer to you problem. We could add a API
call to acceppts UTC $TIMESTAMPS in milliseconds since 1970, however I am
not sure if that will make it easier in any way.


2011/12/20 Cristiano Bernardini <cristia...@seacom.it>

> Hi everyone, I think there is an issue with this specific API, I am
> running openmeetings_1_8_5_r4452.
> I'm trying to plan a conference in the afternoon, so I suppose I have to
> use PM time:
> String fromDate = "20-12-2011", fromTime = "16:00", toDate = "20-12-2011",
> toTime = "18:00";
> what happens is that in the calendar the event is wrongly scheduled from
> 04:00p to 06:00a, this doesn't happen if I'm planning a morning event from
> 10:00 to 11:00, for example.
> Please see the attachment.
> I don't know if I'm correctly using the API or if there's something wrong.
> Thanks
> --
> Cristiano Bernardini

Sebastian Wagner

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