On Mon, 3 Mar 2025 20:35:21 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> @hjohn could you help here please?  How could we use Subscription in a 
>> situation when it has to be unsubscribed from within the lambda?
> I haven't been tracking these fixes for allowing initialization in background 
> threads, but it seems to me that basically anything should be allowed as long 
> as you're not part of a visible scene graph -- and I think there's also no 
> expectation that all functionality of a control "works" as long as it is not 
> yet part of such a graph (ie. the listeners are only needed once it is part 
> of a scene graph).
> If you make listeners conditional on being part of a scene graph, then I 
> think you can handle these with a single code path.  Such a condition would 
> be:
>     ObservableValue<Boolean> partOfSceneGraph = node.sceneProperty()
>       .flatMap(Scene::windowProperty)
>       .flatMap(Window::showingProperty)
>       .orElse(false);
> You can then safely install any listeners directly, regardless if they're on 
> a background thread or not:
>     someProperty().when(partOfSceneGraph).subscribe( ... );
> Or:
>     someProperty().when(partOfSceneGraph).addListener( ... );
> On a background thread, `partOfSceneGraph` will be `false`, and no listener 
> gets installed (yet).  As soon as it becomes `true` all listeners with that 
> same condition become active.  It becomes `true` automatically when the node 
> has a scene belonging to a window that is visible.  Vice versa, if it ever 
> becomes `false` again, (which it may when the Node is removed or replaced) 
> all listeners using this condition are removed again.

Thank you!

This is not what I asked though: my question was about using `Subscription` in 
one-off case, and more specifically, about whether it is even possible to 
unsubscribe from within the lambda.

What you are proposing is a slightly more involved change: for example, 
registering and unregistering listeners each time might introduce other issues 
(especially since we have no way to prioritize listeners/handlers).  It also 
complicates the management of skin (as skins can be added/removed), something I 
would rather avoid.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1697#discussion_r1978169002

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