Fixes the case where `VBox` will ignore the (horizontal) bias of a child when 
its fill width property is set to `false`.  This manifests itself with labels 
that have their wrap text property set to `true`, and the container is not wide 
enough to hold the text on a single line (in other words, the label is 
potentially far wider, and fill width should have no effect).  No reflow would 
occur before this fix.

The solution is to ensure the `computeChildAreaMin/Pref/MaxHeight` functions 
are provided with a `fillWidth` parameter, to be used in the case a 
horizontally biased control is encountered (several of the parameters to these 
compute functions are only used for those special cases and ignored otherwise).

With this additional information, the compute functions can decide between the 
preferred width of a control or the available width of the container.  In the 
old implementation this decision was made *before* these functions were called, 
and the available width was reset to -1 to indicate the case that the preferred 
width should be used.  However, there are three cases, and so setting a single 
parameter to -1 can't effectively communicate that:

Assuming a control that is horizontally biased, and is resizable there are 
three cases when calculating a **height**:

1. There is no available width: bias is ignored (as there is no value to use as 
a dependent value) and the height is then simply calculated ignoring available 
width (which is -1) and fill width settings (same as unbiased controls).
2. There is an available width and fill width is false; the bias logic must 
first find a reasonable width before it can call any height function; with fill 
width false, this reasonable width will be the preferred width of the control, 
unless it exceeds its maximum width or the available width, in which case the 
smallest of these three values is used.  The final width calculated is then 
used to determine the height.
3. There is an available width and fill width is true; this is the same as case 
2, except the available width is used as a dependent value (unless its greater 
than the child's maximum width, in which case the smaller is used).  The final 
width calculated is then used to determine the height.

All in all, this PR removes several inconsistencies between horizontal and 
vertical computations. The end result is that the horizontal and vertical bias 
calculations now more closely mirror each other.

**Note**: some tests have had their values adjusted.  This is because the 
asymmetries between the compute width/height functions have been removed.  Most 
of these tests use the `MockBiased` test control that simulates an area of 
pixels that always covers the same size (ie. it is 10x1000 or 100x100 or 
1000x10 = 10000).  One should be aware though that when correctly querying its 
minimum size, it will say something like 100x100 -- and that's correct, as 
that's what `MockBiased` will tell the layout system, even though in a single 
dimension it can return a minimum size of 1 when the other dimension provided 
is set to say 10000. 

Due to a bug in how content bias was handled before in the height functions 
(content bias was taken into account when `-1` was passed which is incorrect) 
some tests saw much smaller minimum sizes.  `HBoxTest` is an example of this, 
but if you compare it to the equivalent code in `VBoxTest`, you can see that 
something is clearly off, as the tests don't agree even though they mirror each 
other.  The original developer tried to rationalize these differences, instead 
of investigating where they came from.

It may be worth to add tests for a different type of biased control.  
`MockBiased` is an example of a control that requires roughly the same area 
when resized (like a reflowing Label, or a FlowPane).  Another example is a 
control that tries to maintain a fixed aspect ratio, like a scaling Image.  The 
latter type is not interested in maintaining an area of roughly the same size, 
but instead it is interested in maintaining a fixed factor between its width 
and height.

**Note 2**: Many layout containers will call min/pref/max width/height methods 
with a dependent size provided (instead of -1) even when the control has no 
content bias.  Control implementations therefore need to be careful not to use 
this value when they have no bias or have the opposite bias.  `MockBiased` 
handles this correctly.


BorderPaneTest has had some tests adjusted as its height computations were 
affected by the bug in the compute height functions where a biased calculation 
was partially executed when it shouldn't have. The height values make much more 
sense now instead of being some weird fractional number when a biased control 
is involved.  I've adjusted the tests accordingly, and tried adding some 
rationalization of how the values are reached.  Note that `BorderPane` 
(apparently) always adjusts whatever size it is given during layout to be 
greater than its minimum size; this is the first time I've seen containers do 
that, instead of going with whatever they've been given...


Commit messages:
 - Make computeChildMin/Pref/MaxAreaHeight accept a fillWidth parameter

  Stats: 989 lines in 12 files changed: 815 ins; 49 del; 125 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/1723/head:pull/1723


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