Dear Michael:

What happened to this proposal?  I would like to restart the discussion, if 

More specifically, I would like to discuss the following topics:

  1.  the reason the discussion was started was due to "priority inversion" 
problem in Controls/Skins, ex.: 
JDK-8231245<> Controls' behavior 
must not depend on sequence of handler registration.  Do we have this problem 
elsewhere?  In other words, does it make sense to change the API at the 
EventDispatcher level when the problem can be easily solved by the InputMap at 
the Control level?
  2.  dispatching of events that have been consumed (as mentioned in the 
earlier discussion)
  3.  problem of creating unnecessary clones of events via Event.copyFor(), 
leading to ex.: JDK-8337246<> 
SpinnerSkin does not consume ENTER KeyEvent when editor ActionEvent is consumed
  4.  why do we need Event.copyFor() in the first place?  why does Event 
contain the target??

Too many topics, yes, we might want to split the discussion into separate 


From: openjfx-dev <> on behalf of Michael Strauß 
Date: Friday, October 27, 2023 at 19:41
To: openjfx-dev <>
Subject: Re: Prioritized event handlers
Here is the proposal:

Comments are welcome.

On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 8:21 PM Andy Goryachev
<> wrote:
> Would it be possible to create a proposal in the JEP format outlining the 
> proposed public API?
> Thank you
> -andy

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