On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 09:35:51 GMT, Lukasz Kostyra <lkost...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Contrary to issue description, the problem was not because we referenced a 
> texture after it was freed, but we referenced an RTT that we just tried to 
> allocate and failed to do so because of lack of space in Prism's vram pool. 
> In case of attached `WebViewAnimationTest.java` test app, the problem exists 
> because WebView tries to allocate a new RTT for newly opened WebView scene 
> and the Prism pool does not have 16MB needed while previous WebView is still 
> being displayed. Only after the old WebView is disposed of, then the RTT 
> allocation can proceed and WebView can continue as normal.
> I looked around and did not find other solution than adding the null-checks 
> to silence the NPE being thrown. NPE was originally in `RTImage.java`, 
> however after adding a null check there triggered another NPE in 
> `WCGraphicsPrismContext.java`, so I also added another null check there. 
> Upper layers of web module seem to handle those just fine, the NPEs 
> disappeared after that and the test still works properly once the pool gets 
> enough room to display.
> All of our tests run fine with this change (I do not expect any major 
> regressions, as this happens only with a very limited memory pool scenario - 
> it was extremely hard and time consuming to trigger this bug on the test app 
> with default 512MB pool limit). For the test app, it might take a couple 
> frames until the old WebView is disposed of and there is enough room for new 
> WebView's RTT in the pool, after that the scene renders properly.

modules/javafx.web/src/main/java/com/sun/javafx/webkit/prism/RTImage.java line 

> 118:             if (txt == null) {
> 119:                 log.fine("RTImage::getTexture : return null because rt 
> texture not allocated");
> 120:                 return null;

If `RTImage.getTexture()` can return `null`, then L147 should probably also 
check for `null` before calling `readPixels()`.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1590#discussion_r1788512967

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