On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 18:07:43 GMT, Martin Fox <m...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> On Linux getKeyCodeForChar does not consult the current keyboard layout. For 
> example, it assumes the “+” character is on KeyCode.PLUS even on layouts 
> which don’t generate KeyCode.PLUS. The result is that most 
> KeyCharacterCombinations don’t work.
> This PR fixes this using the same approach that Mac glass uses. When the user 
> types a key we lookup all the characters that key might generate and put them 
> in a map. getKeyCodeForChar then consults the map to find the Java key code. 
> This ensures that we only pay attention to keys that are on the user’s 
> physical keyboard.
> (Some Linux layout maps are expansive and include entries for keys that may 
> be on the user’s keyboard but probably aren’t, like “(“ and “)” on the 
> numeric keypad. If we simply ask for all entries that generate a given 
> character we can get multiple hits with no good way to determine which ones 
> are physically present.)
> This PR also contains fixes to the Robot to enable testing. When Glass 
> consults the GdkKeymap to determine which keys might generate a keyval GDK 
> returns a list covering every installed layout and shift level. The old Glass 
> code simply picked the first entry in the list. This PR iterates through the 
> list looking for one that works for the current layout and correct shift 
> level.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: c0757a2e
Author:    Martin Fox <m...@openjdk.org>
Stats:     228 lines in 4 files changed: 210 ins; 10 del; 8 mod

8273743: KeyCharacterCombination for "+" does not work on US QWERTY keyboard 

Reviewed-by: angorya, kcr


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1373

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