I would not recommend internal APIs, unless someone wants to build JavaFX to help diagnose it.

In any case it sounds like Johan has discovered a bug -- at least on Windows -- in the key handler for dead keys. We should test this on macOS and Linux as well.

 -- Kevin

On 9/25/2024 8:14 AM, Thiago Milczarek Sayão wrote:

It's an internal API, but we can use it for testing purposes (I'm not sure if there's a public API for that).
SceneHelper.enableInputMethodEvents(scene, false);
IME is used for entering complex characters in some languages such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.

On Linux, setting the keyboard to en_US will also add the extra space, except if I choose the en_US with dead keys variation.

If you try it on notepad, is it the same behaviour? If not, I think it might be a bug.

-- Thiago.

Em qua., 25 de set. de 2024 às 11:12, Johan Corveleyn <jcor...@gmail.com> escreveu:

    Hi Thiago,

    Thank you for your answer. I am experiencing this issue on Windows
    (Windows 10 and 11).

    Now, it dawns on me that:
    - I have a QWERTY keyboard (standard US layout).
    - I have my keyboard layout setting in Windows configured to "US
    International". That way the keys for ~, ^, ', " become "dead keys"
    (waiting for next keystroke).
    - If I change my keyboard layout setting to "US" then I can't
    reproduce anymore because those keystrokes no longer act like dead
    keys (~, ^, ... immediately give that character).

    I don't know how this is handled on Linux or Mac. Do they also have
    something like a "US International" keyboard layout setting so ^
    becomes a dead key? Or does it work differently if I want to type â or
    ë, or a standalone ^?

    I'm not sure what you mean by disabling IME or how to know that it's
    enabled. Can I enable/disable this programmatically in JavaFX? Or is
    this an OS keyboard layout setting (anyway: just having a standard "US
    input" makes this non reproducible because I can no longer type dead

    If you have a keyboard input with dead keys it's super easy to test
    this with a simple program like:
    public class DeadKeysFX extends Application {
        public void start(Stage stage) {
            TextField textField = new TextField();
            Scene scene = new Scene(textField);

    Just type ^+<space> and see whether you get one or two characters. In
    all non-JavaFX programs (including Java Swing) I get a single '^'. In
    JavaFX I get a '^ '.


    On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 5:16 PM Thiago Milczarek Sayão
    <thiago.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
    > Hi Johan,
    > It might vary be platform. Which one are you using? (Windows,
    Mac, Linux).
    > Try disabling IME (Input Method Editor) and see it it works.
    > - Thiago
    > Em ter., 24 de set. de 2024 11:51, Johan Corveleyn
    <jcor...@gmail.com> escreveu:
    >> Hi,
    >> (This is my first post here, hope I'm following the right path)
    >> It seems JavaFX TextFields (and friends) do not automatically
    >> <dead key>+<space> into simply <dead key character>. They make
    it into
    >> <dead key character>+<space>, which is very atypical. I would
    >> this behavior a bug, since it is different from any editor I
    know (and
    >> makes it very hard to enter a dead key character on its own).
    We ran
    >> into this with Java 8, I also reproduced it with openjdk 21 +
    >> 23.
    >> For instance if in a JavaFX TextField I type a '^' keystroke,
    it waits
    >> for the next keystroke (which is normal since it's a dead key,
    >> possibly followed by a character on which to put the '^'). But if I
    >> then type <space> I expect a simple '^' to appear. Instead, in
    >> '^ ' appears. This does not happen in Swing, nor in any editor or
    >> shell or ...
    >> Background context: a user of our JavaFX application couldn't
    >> authenticate with their password (typed in a PasswordField).
    After an
    >> awful lot of troubleshooting we found that they used a '^' in their
    >> password. Of course the user didn't notice that after typing
    >> two dots appeared in the PasswordField. Now that user knows
    they have
    >> to backspace after typing ^+space ...
    >> I suppose inserting a Swing JPasswordField in our JavaFX app would
    >> work around this issue, but ... isn't there a better solution?
    >> Shouldn't this be regarded as a bug?
    >> --
    >> Johan

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