Moin Michael

Your signature gives your locality away a bit so I allow myself to welcome a fellow European. Good to see the German community grow.

As to your questions about metadata-agent (specifically my fork) it may be that you are hitting the parts I or Josh did not yet implement or ones that did not end up in my fork.

Metadata agent is cloud-init compatible but not fully. I will have to look into what parts I have never needed to get working and what parts of your config work already.

How are you packing the ISO for the agent? We have some automation in bHyve/ Shellscripts that I can dig up for you if you are flexible there. Otherwise If you tell me what the build method for the ISO is I can check on a local setup on my side to make that work.

It will take me a couple of days to look into the code over Christmas.

Would it work for you to only setup growpart and ssh via metadata agent for now and use ansible for the rest? I have attached my VM build shellscript which builds a cloud-init that does only ssh, growpart and networking. It's intended to run on the host OpenIndiana machine and builds a clean new VM. From line 70 you can see the here documents to generate the configs and the mkisofs invocation to make them into an ISO file.

Hope this helps.
If you would like to make your cloud-config setup work the way you want feel free to add the features to metadata agent. I would love to have someone contribute there :)

-Till <Toasterson>

On 23.12.24 20:20, Michael Brüning via openindiana-discuss wrote:
Hi, i am new to this list and to OpenIndiana, hope this is the right place to ask..

I have problems getting the cloud-init userscripts to work, while network and user configuration (ssh-key,..) work well.

My environment: OpenIndiana Hipster 2024.04 Version illumos-eac40bb377 64-bit running under Ubuntu/Libvirt, setup via ansible.

User data file:
chpasswd: { expire: false }
ssh_pwauth: true

   - name: root
       - "{{ VM_ADM_SSH_KEY }}"

#package_update: true
#package_upgrade: true

   mode: auto
   devices: ['/']

# run on every boot
- echo "runboot done" >>/var/log/cloud-init-output.log

# run once for setup
- echo "runonce done" >>/var/log/cloud-init-output.log

Looking at the code i assume a file "/var/metadata/userscript" should be generated on the first run, but that  script does not exist. Maybe someone can share a working setup to clarify my understanding of the workflow?

In addition, i found a typo regading the option "runcmd", but i'm pretty sure that this is not causing my issue. (from: "pub runcms: Option<Multiformat>," not: runcmd)

root@vmoi02:~# strings /usr/lib/useragent | grep runcmd
root@vmoi02:~# strings /usr/lib/useragent | grep runcms
[... output shortened]

root@vmoi02:~# strings /usr/lib/useragent | grep bootcmd
[... output shortened]

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Greetings, Michael

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