
KISS is a Java-based, open-source, full-stack web development framework. It 
supports things such as:

- Back-end server
- Front-end framework
- REST interface between the two
- Microservices
- Build in authentication
- SQL database persistence (PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc.)
- Extended HTML controls
- PDF report generation
- CSV import / export

KISS is not a work-in-progress. It is being used in production.

REST services are also microservices and can be added, changed, and deleted on 
a running system. This means development does not require the endless 
bring-down-the-server, rebuild, deploy, boot-the-server cycles. You change it, 
it works! It also means you can update a production server without bringing 
down the users!

KISS includes full documentation and five training videos. Check out the 
details at

KISS has been ported to OpenIndiana.


Blake McBride
openindiana-discuss mailing list

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