On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 04:08:12AM -0600, Matthew R. Trower wrote:
> /var/pkg/publisher is exactly what I thought it was.  I am still not clear
> as to whether the format is committed(stable) across different versions of
> pkg5, and therefore safe to share across BEs.

The man page says:
Interface Stability: Uncommitted

> /var/pkg/lost+found is... well, I still don't know.  The language is... a
> bit odd.  I think it's saying that if I have files in my filesystem which
> are not part of an IPS package, and pkg installs files in their place, those
> original files will be moved here.  However, are there other situations in
> which files will be deposited here?  Or will the files there only ever be my
> files, which have no relation to IPS?

It is exactly as it is stated in the man page.  If I understand your
questions properly then answers are: I think yes (for example when you
uninstall a package); and no (because if such files have no relation to
IPS then they won't appear there; but maybe you thinks about different
kind of "relation" :-)).

> In any event, I guess IPS doesn't care about them, and I should be free to
> delete them if they are uninteresting to me.

Yes, exactly.

| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   mar...@telka.sk  |
|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |

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