On 3/24/23 09:50, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
On 24/03/2023 09:43, Marc Lobelle wrote:
On 3/24/23 08:16, Toomas Soome via openindiana-discuss wrote:
On 24. Mar 2023, at 07:58, Stephan Althaus
<stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:
On 3/22/23 20:56, Richard Lowe wrote:
The challenge of answering that is you often don't know the answer
until you see it
The ::stacks command will give you asummarized view of every kernel
thread's stack
the ::cpuinfo -v command will show you what the CPUs are doing now
were doing, before you got into kmdb).
Both or either might have a smoking gun of some kind, but it's
hard to
predict what it might look like.
openindiana-discuss mailing list
In one of my earlier update-tests i had a problem with the first
OI-nvidia-525 version in cooperation with Virtualbox,
so i had the idea to test this:
I uninstalled 'userland-incorporation' and 'entire' as prerequisite
to install nvidia version 515,
now it boots!
So, nvidia in the most recent version 525 stopped the boot process.
i checked with NVidia Solaris Driver Archive that my chipset
(Quadro M1200) is on the supported list for this version:
How/Why should the display driver be able to interrupt the boot
process ?
How/Why should the display driver be able to interrupt the boot
process without further notice?
That is something one can work out with debugger. But, this is
binary only driver? Built *for Oracle Solaris 11.4*? With API
interfaces changed inside Oracle Solaris? This means, the question
is not “if” but “when” - it is only question of time when such
drivers become unusable for us. Without gfx driver development, the
desktop variant of illumos is dead end.
without desktop, it would unfortunately mean the dead of illumos. If
Oracle solaris drivers become unusable shouldn't illumos move to
another driver interface that is maintained ?
Maybe we wait until the cause for the problem is known before
declaring everything dead ?
openindiana-discuss mailing list
Maybe it's only because i use legacy boot or some Dell bios specific
special case...
openindiana-discuss mailing list