On Thu, Oct 06, 2022 at 11:43:29AM +0200, Stephan Althaus wrote:
> On 10/6/22 11:36, Marcel Telka wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 06, 2022 at 10:20:45AM +0200, Predrag Zečević via 
> > openindiana-discuss wrote:
> > > I would try:
> > > 
> > > :; pfexec pkg refresh --full
> > > :; pfexec pkg rebiuld-index
> > Maybe rebuild-index would work better than rebiuld-index. :-)
> > 
> You're right of course :-)
> pfexec pkg refresh --full
> throws the problem.
> Did you try it?

Yes, pkg refresh does not work (hipster-encumbered publisher works okay):

# pkg refresh openindiana.org
pkg: 0/1 catalogs successfully updated:

  1: Invalid contentpath /var/pkg/cache/incoming-23873/update.20221006T06Z.C: 
CatalogPart failed validation: The signature data for the 
'/var/pkg/cache/incoming-23873/update.20221006T06Z.C' catalog file is not 
valid.. (happened 4 times)
  2: Invalid contentpath /var/pkg/cache/incoming-23873/update.20221006T07Z.C: 
CatalogPart failed validation: The signature data for the 
'/var/pkg/cache/incoming-23873/update.20221006T07Z.C' catalog file is not 
valid.. (happened 4 times)


Also these commands does not work:

# pkg list -a
pkg: 1/2 catalogs successfully updated:

  1: Invalid contentpath /var/pkg/cache/incoming-24526/update.20221006T06Z.C: 
CatalogPart failed validation: The signature data for the 
'/var/pkg/cache/incoming-24526/update.20221006T06Z.C' catalog file is not 
valid.. (happened 4 times)
  2: Invalid contentpath /var/pkg/cache/incoming-24526/update.20221006T07Z.C: 
CatalogPart failed validation: The signature data for the 
'/var/pkg/cache/incoming-24526/update.20221006T07Z.C' catalog file is not 
valid.. (happened 4 times)

# pkg list -u
pkg: 1/2 catalogs successfully updated:

  1: Invalid contentpath /var/pkg/cache/incoming-24712/update.20221006T06Z.C: 
CatalogPart failed validation: The signature data for the 
'/var/pkg/cache/incoming-24712/update.20221006T06Z.C' catalog file is not 
valid.. (happened 4 times)
  2: Invalid contentpath /var/pkg/cache/incoming-24712/update.20221006T07Z.C: 
CatalogPart failed validation: The signature data for the 
'/var/pkg/cache/incoming-24712/update.20221006T07Z.C' catalog file is not 
valid.. (happened 4 times)


It is anything that needs access to full packages list.  Commands that does not
need full package list works:

# pkg list | head
NAME (PUBLISHER)                                  VERSION                    IFO
SUNWcs                                            0.5.11-2022.0.0.21255      i--
SUNWcsd                                           0.5.11-2022.0.0.21255      i--
antivirus/c_icap                                  0.5.10-2022.0.0.0          i--
antivirus/c_icap_modules                          0.5.5-2022.0.0.0           i--
antivirus/clamav                                  0.105.1-2022.0.0.1         i--
antivirus/clamav-clamdtop                         0.105.1-2022.0.0.1         i--
antivirus/clamav-common                           0.105.1-2022.0.0.1         i--
antivirus/clamav-core                             0.105.1-2022.0.0.1         i--
antivirus/clamav-milter                           0.105.1-2022.0.0.1         i--

So apparently the openindiana.org repo/publisher is broken at


| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   mar...@telka.sk  |
|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |

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