I'll check again.  Thanks, I'll try a new update.

I'll try to investigate more what caused the "Squeak" build problem,
but as indicated it used to work.

The squeak classical VM uses "cmake" and a custom written configure script 
which is not autoconf generated.

David Stes

----- Op 5 aug 2022 om 21:25 schreef Marcel Telka mar...@telka.sk:

>> If I go back to 'git checkout a847fb267' it works again.
> I assume it will work with the next changeset (20542be0f) too.  It
> changed makemaker.mk only and squeak does not use makemaker build style.
> It would be great if you try to bi-sect to find the exact changeset that
> caused the build problem.
> --
> +-------------------------------------------+
>| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   mar...@telka.sk  |
>|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |
> +-------------------------------------------+
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