I have a similar setup (host is Debian with KVM), both openindiana and
omniosce are slower at boot and shutdown than a Linux VM. Omnios is
marginally faster than OI. openbsd and freebsd are somewhere in between
Linux and OI. I don't see appreciable differences while using the various

On Wed, 4 May 2022, 00:25 hput via openindiana-discuss, <
openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org> wrote:

> Host OS: ubuntu-21.10 running zfs
> Vbox version: 6.1.30
> vm OS Openindiana/hipster New install of 2021.0430 with all updates as
> of Jan 9
> vm has 12.288 GB or ram
> -------       -------       ---=---       -------       -------
> I can't help but notice what feels like unreasonable waits for such things
> as bootup and shutdown
> At a rough guess it would be something like 300 percent slower
> compared to other VBox vm running ubuntu on zfs.  With 9GB ram.
> Have others noticed excessive time for such processes?
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