On 4/25/22 20:43, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

This maps to using the option ForwardX11Trusted=yes.

According to the Debian ssh manual page:

            (Debian-specific: X11 forwarding is not subjected to X11
            SECURITY extension restrictions by default, because too
            many programs currently crash in this mode.  Set the
            ForwardX11Trusted option to “no” to restore the upstream
            behaviour.  This may change in future depending on client-
            side improvements.)

So it appears that Debian added a customization for this case.

I quoted the wrong paragraph (I used the one for -X).  This is the paragraph which was added to the Debian manual page for -Y:

             (Debian-specific: In the default configuration, this option
             is equivalent to -X, since ForwardX11Trusted defaults to
             “yes” as described above.  Set the ForwardX11Trusted option
             to “no” to restore the upstream behaviour.  This may change
             in future depending on client-side improvements.)

Regardless, it seems that OpenIndiana could include the same default customization that Debian added.  It seems that this customization was added while building OpenSSH rather than by editing a config file.



Thanks for your replies!

The option -Y works for me.

I can't think of something that i could have changed in my config.

i created a testuser and checked ssh -X and got the same error. i will try the other direction tomorrow..


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