----- Op 8 mar 2022 om 9:30 schreef Discussion list for OpenIndiana 

> All-
> It's possible I might be getting a new workstation at my workplace.  I'm
> lucky in that my employer will allow me to run OI on it, but I'm limited
> to purchasing from Dell or HP Enterprise (HPE).
> My preference would be to go with AMD Ryzen 5XXX processor, but neither
> vendor offer much for AMD and I don't think OI will work on it anyway,

It's not Dell or HPE but perhaps the Lenovo Thinkstation P620 with AMD runs 

Anyway an attempt to make OpenIndiana run on a Lenovo P620 would be highly 

> so I'm probably going to be looking at Intel processors.
> How well does the Illumos kernel handle Intel 12th gen CPUs, with the
> performance/efficiency (P/E) cores?  Is anyone using OI or an Illumos
> distro on a 12th gen system for day-to-day work?

I use OpenIndiana on a Dell Precision 3640 with
an Intel i3 10th generation CPU and it installed easily and works fine 

I'm using a SATA book disk (I didn't try SSD).

I've documented my findings at 

You could also have a look at Xeon based systems
such as the Dell Precision 5820 with Intel Xeon W-2223.

The Dell Precision 5820 can also be configured with SATA disks only.

Hopefully please document at http://docs.openindiana.org/community-hcl/systems 
what you find out for your system.

> --
> Tim Mooney                                             tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
> Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure /
> Division of Information Technology    /                701-231-1076 (Voice)
> North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
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