> On 10. Mar 2022, at 16:13, Bob Friesenhahn <bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us> 
> wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, Toomas Soome via openindiana-discuss wrote:
>>> rpool/ROOT/openindiana-2022:02:16@2022-03-04-09:38:53:/var/pkg/state/known/catalog.dependency.C
>>> rpool/ROOT/openindiana-2022:02:16@install:/usr/share/doc/dbus/api/group__DBusMessageInternals.html
>>> rpool/ROOT/openindiana-2022:02:16@install:/usr/share/doc/libsigc++-2.0/reference/html/inherit_graph_24.png
>>> rpool/ROOT/openindiana-2022:02:16@install:/usr/share/doc/libsigc++-2.0/reference/html/modules.html
>>> Loosing a few blocks on a 1 TB ssd is acceptable if the OS can avoid using 
>>> these faulty blocks in the future. What does zpool do if I do a zpool 
>>> clear: the faults will disappear from the status but will the faulty blocs 
>>> be avoided henceforth ?
>>> The corrupted files are lost but, if I do "pkg refresh --full; pkg update 
>>> -v", I assume they will be replaced.
>>> However if the faulty blocks are not removed from the list of usable 
>>> blocks, the faults will happen again and the drive must be considered as 
>>> lost and to be replaced
>> This is basically 'replace ssd and restore from backup’ case, I’m afraid.
> Why would that be?  It does not seem that those files are important. It is 
> true that the listed files are lost/corrupted but if they are overwritten 
> with repaired files, then new blocks would be used.

physical read errors while the scrub is still not done (more is to be expected).

> The main problem could be that it is possible that the SSD is on a permanent 
> downhill trend and more issues will occur later.
> The corrupted files could also be a product of RAM memory which lacks ECC 
> protection and has taken a hit.  A thorough memory test is in order to make 
> sure that all is ok.
> It seems to me that clear is definitely worth trying but it is important to 
> consider this to be an early warning of possible doom.

Yep. If anything, keep important files backed…


> Bob
> -- 
> Bob Friesenhahn
> bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
> GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
> Public Key,     http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/public-key.txt
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