This works, thanks.
Jean-Pierre wrote on 9/2/21 9:47 AM:
Can somebody tell me at least in which file the keyboard layout is
stored, so that I can fix it through ssh (the keyboard which can
be queried its layout is still to be invented).
I'm using a French keyboard on my OpenIndiana system.
See "man kbd" and the command : kbd -s French to change to a different layout
("kbd -s" for the available languages)
A persistent change can be done via the SMF repository, to be safe,
beadm create -a azerty
and reboot into "azerty".
This is a BE just to backup the SMF before you change it.
Then run the following script:
$ cat
svccfg -s svc:/system/keymap:default <<EOF
setprop keymap/layout = astring: French
listprop keymap/layout
Warning: by running the above script you change the SMF repo, which contains the
keyboard setting in the "keymap/layout" property of system/keymap.
So I think it is best to first create a BE for this, just to be safe before
modifying the SMF repo.
David Stes
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