On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 12:48:26AM +0000, Reginald Beardsley wrote:
>    I am doing a UEFI boot as it is a 4x 4 TB RAIDZ2 pool. The UEFI vs SMI
>    boot would make a lot of sense. However, it still leaves the problem of
>    2020.10 crashing before reaching the desktop.

This is a known broken configuration of OI.  It cannot work.  The VESA
driver is a fall-back driver in Xorg.  It only runs if the other
drivers all fail.  Unfortunately, the VESA driver does not work with
a UEFI boot.  As long as the nvidia driver succeeds, it will be
selected by Xorg, and VESA will never be used.  The Xorg log will
contain this information.

My AMD systems all use the Radeon HD 7450 video card, which requires
the VESA driver on OI.  They all use a BIOS boot.  OI is installed on
a mirrored pair of small SSD disks.  They also use a mirrored pair of
large mechanical disks for the data pool.  This configuration does
work.  Other people use different configurations that also works.

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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