In testing 2021.04_rc1 I found it installed the 390 driver when I needed the 
340 driver.  As a consequence I trashed my initial install when I ran the 
nvidia-config program and replaced the vesa driver.

It seems to me that we should be able to wrap nvidia-config  with a shell 
script which determines via prtconf which card is present, selects the proper 
driver and takes the appropriate actions via pkg(1m) by doing a "pkg uninstall" 
and pkg install --reject..."  operation.

I entered a number of bug reports with the release candidate that Andreas 
supplied.  The nVidia driver and the AHCI driver are the most important.  The 
rest range from trivial to arguable as to what to do.  Better documentation is 
probably the biggest need.

I was looking at the GUI ISO and it's a bit opaque.  In particular I can't 
inspect /usr/bin/text-install which obfuscates the AHCI and nVidia driver 
configuration.   I shall boot the ISO and examine the Live Image python script 
tomorrow if time permits.

The GUI ISO works fine with the Z400 in AHCI mode, but the installed system 
doesn't boot. I've not gotten around to the other ISOs yet.

We're close, but not there yet.

Have Fun!

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