Am 02.04.21 um 13:39 schrieb russell:

After checking the logs after upgrading to the latest hipster release,
I am now getting a CPU panic message

Apr  2 12:18:17 tesla savecore: [ID 570001 auth.error] reboot after
panic: BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) rp=fffffe003ffb9700
addr=fffffc7fe88ef088 occurred in module "<unknown>" due to an illegal
access to a user address
Apr  2 12:18:17 tesla savecore: [ID 339660 auth.error] Panic crashdump
pending on dump device but dumpadm -n in effect; run savecore(1M)
manually to extract. Image UUID 42bd1d9d-8632-622b-b312-843670c5f2fa.

Using mdb to look at the vmcore.0

# mdb vmcore.0
mdb: warning: dump is from SunOS 5.11 illumos-9ecd05bdc5; dcmds and
macros may not match kernel implementation
Your osnet version is not of today. It looks like it is almost 30
illumos-gate commits behind.

On my desktop:
╰─➤  uname -a
SunOS saturn 5.11 illumos-5eb35ba248 i86pc i386 i86pc

When you don't get this version something blocks the update to the
latest bits.
You can check the versions of osnet-incorporation and
userland-incorporation with pkg info, eg. on my system it says


If your versions differ after a pkg update & reboot then you need to
find the reason for the blockade, eg. with trying to install the latest
userland-incorporation with
pfexec pkg install userland-incorporation@0.5.11-2020.0.1.14013

This will tell you what hinders the update.


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