As was suggested by a frequent poster of this list,
I saved the core dump and "viewed" with fmadm faulty.
Here is what I see:

--------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
TIME            EVENT-ID                              MSG-ID         SEVERITY
--------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
Μαρ 08 09:31:41 fea0efbd-8079-c363-9d1d-a74d6124b14a  SUNOS-8000-KL  Major     

Host        : victoria
Platform    : AB350M-HD3    Chassis_id  : Default-string
Product_sn  :

Fault class : defect.sunos.kernel.panic
Affects     : 
                  faulted but still in service
Problem in  : 
                  faulted but still in service

Description : The system has rebooted after a kernel panic.  Refer to
     for more information.

Response    : The failed system image was dumped to the dump device.  If
              savecore is enabled (see dumpadm(1M)) a copy of the dump will be
              written to the savecore directory .

Impact      : There may be some performance impact while the panic is copied to
              the savecore directory.  Disk space usage by panics can be

Action      : If savecore is not enabled then please take steps to preserve the
              crash image.
              Use 'fmdump -Vp -u fea0efbd-8079-c363-9d1d-a74d6124b14a' to view
              more panic detail.  Please refer to the knowledge article for
              additional information.

Is this helpful in any way?
Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece

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