great! that works. but i have another problem. i'm using prompt in secured
way as "read -s -t 10" but I need to store the output in one variable. as
below. but nothing is storing in $req variable


set pass=`cat file | grep rootpw | grep -o '".*"' | sed 's/"//g'`

if ( "$pass" == "edjos" ) then

   echo  "You are at default password. kindly change the password in

set req=`bash -c 'read -s -t 10'`

echo $req

     if ( "$req" == "" ) then

       echo "No password entered. So continuing with default password"


      sed -i.bak "/rootpw/s/edjos/$req/"  file



On Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 4:02 PM Richard L. Hamilton <>

> If it has to be pure csh (without any helpers), you're probably out of
> luck, because csh is crippled when it comes to scripting.
> You could probably use a command substitution on a one-liner of your bash
> from the csh script:
> #! /bin/csh
> set myvar=`bash -c 'read -t 10 ;echo "${REPLY}"'`
> echo "$myvar"
> For anything much trickier, getting the quoting right will be a killer, so
> the helper should probably be a separate bash script.
> Picking csh to script it is just wrong, because it has too many missing
> capabilities, isn't predictable enough in how it behaves, doesn't
> necessarily behave as portably as other shells, etc.
> <
> > On Mar 8, 2021, at 04:38, Thebest videos <>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > hi Team,
> >
> > Im trying create a csh script.
> > requirement:
> > when i script runs it asks for user input. prompt should wait for 10secs.
> > if not then exit the script.
> > i have solution for bash script where i can use read -t 10 username. but
> i
> > want same in csh
> > ```
> > #!/bin/csh
> > echo -n "username:"
> > set req = $<
> > echo "username is $req"
> > sed -i.bak "/rootpw/s/edjos/$req/" /boot/loader.conf
> > ```
> > and for advance level, the message should look like "prompts end in
> 10(this
> > number should decrease and lively should visible the timeout secs)"
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