On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 at 20:32, John D Groenveld <groenv...@acm.org> wrote:
> In message <1078948242.36904.1614743360...@mail.yahoo.com>, Reginald Beardsley
> via openindiana-discuss writes:
> >I hit F10, changed from IDE to AHCI+RAID, saved and booted. What are you 
> >sugge
> >sting?
> Next boot the installation media and follow the recipe
> to obtain the PCI ID for the disk controller and attach ahci(7D).
> <URL:https://superuser.com/questions/635829/how-do-i-install-solaris-on-a-fake-raid-a-k-a-ahciraid-sata-sas-controller/635830#635830>
> Then you should be to see your disks with diskinfo(1M) and import
> your OI rpool to configure your OI installation to attach ahci to
> to the controller permanently.

If ahci(7D) does indeed support this controller, and it's just that
the association with the specific PCI ID is missing, that's incredibly
easy to fix in illumos and then nobody needs to do the manual
update_drv dance ever again.  At present, it's just attaching to the
AHCI 1.0 PCI device class, 01:06:01:


But if we need to bind it to more specific devices that do not
advertise the class, it would just mean more aliases in the package
manifest.  It'd help to collect the data from prtconf and file a bug
report to start with, and then making the actual change is not likely
to be a great deal more work after that.

It's always best to file and fix the underlying bug where we can,
rather than propagate workarounds like this.


Joshua M. Clulow

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