On 11/02/20 06:42, Stephan Althaus wrote:
Hi all!

I did an Update 2 days ago, now i notice that my virtualbox 6.1.16  has graphical issues.

i have installed 6.1.16 guest additions, and after reboot i did no see the login screen. After resize of the client window i see it, but not the typing of the password - i did however succeed in loggin into the client (Win 7).
So the refresh ist not triggered or only partially done.
I do see some minor graphical update request in the vb gui, too. I can't take a screenshot of that because afer switching to the screenshot tool the gui is updated. :-/

Anyone else seeing this?

Nvidia 440.100 driver - worked well until now with vb 6.1.8 with "pkg update" from 16.09.2020.

Hi Stephan,

have you (after managing to log-in into VM) upgraded VboxAdditions?

I have also VB 6.1.16 and it is not worse then previous version (sometimes I have to reboot guest, because seamless mode is not working, or because of audio device[s] problems).

Whilst waiting OI to get latest driver, I am using (on OI host) driver from NVIDIA site https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/solaris-display-archive/:
:; pkginfo -l NVDAgraphics
   PKGINST:  NVDAgraphics
      NAME:  NVIDIA Graphics System Software
  CATEGORY:  system,graphics
      ARCH:  i386
   VERSION:  455.23.04,REV=2020.
   BASEDIR:  /usr
    VENDOR:  NVIDIA Corporation
      DESC:  X and OpenGL Drivers for NVIDIA Quadro graphics
  INSTDATE:  Oct 01 2020 13:13
   HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
    STATUS:  completely installed
     FILES:      189 installed pathnames
                   4 linked files
                  42 directories
                  11 executables
              287063 blocks used (approx)

OI was updated on 2020-10-29, at 13:17


On 10/20/20 21:52, Carl Brewer wrote:
On 21/10/2020 6:46 am, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:
Hi folks,

I have created a PR for the latest VB:
It needs to be tested before integration :)

I can confirm works :/  I just bumped my server up to it!

carl@hog:~$ pkg info virtualbox
             Name: system/virtualbox
          Summary: VirtualBox - general-purpose full virtualizer
         Category: System/Virtualization
            State: Installed
        Publisher: openindiana.org
           Branch: 2020.0.1.0
   Packaging Date: 18 October 2020 at 09:28:52 am
Last Install Time: 19 October 2019 at 09:59:18 am
 Last Update Time: 18 October 2020 at 10:32:52 pm
             Size: 124.56 MB
             FMRI: pkg://openindiana.org/system/virtualbox@        Source URL: https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/6.1.14/VirtualBox-6.1.14a.tar.bz2
      Project URL: https://www.virtualbox.org/

carl@hog:~$ VBoxManage list runningvms
"AvPlan Moodle" {bbb6d323-3a6f-4533-8d2a-bcb4ba9b5db1}
"YVA moodle" {c18dcc9e-c72b-4377-a35e-b29c693c66b1}
"tacos" {f0fdd516-7405-4d00-9a89-bf6b27d45642}


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