On 02/07/20 08:22, Michal Nowak via openindiana-discuss wrote:
On 02/06/20 12:27 PM, Predrag Zecevic - Unix Systems Administrator wrote:
On 02/03/20 09:41, Predrag Zecevic - Unix Systems Administrator wrote:
On 02/03/20 09:34, Michal Nowak via openindiana-discuss wrote:
On 02/03/20 09:04 AM, Predrag Zecevic - Unix Systems Administrator wrote:

On 01/31/20 21:47, Michal Nowak via openindiana-discuss wrote:
On 01/31/20 01:54 PM, Predrag Zecevic - Unix Systems Administrator wrote:
Hi all,

I have strange feeling that something is wrong with nodejs. I have installed:
:; pkg list | grep nodejs
runtime/nodejs 0.12.18-2018.0.0.2 i--
runtime/nodejs-10 10.18.1-2019.0.0.0 i--
runtime/nodejs-12 12.14.1-2019.0.0.0 i--
runtime/nodejs-6 6.17.1-2018.0.0.0     i--
runtime/nodejs-8 8.17.0-2019.0.0.0     i--

Default is:
:; pkg mediator nodejs
nodejs              system    12      system

This command works:
:; node --version

But this exists terminal (and works fine on Linux):
:; npm ---version # same is true for 'npm version' command

When I call it like this, it works:
:; npm --version |& tee

Hi Predrag,

all of these commands work for me both in local and global zone with runtime/nodejs-12, terminal is kept alive after the npm command finished.

Can you truss the command like this and upload the log somewhere?

   truss -o log1 npm --version

Or maybe you will need to be more creative and run it like this:

   truss -o log2 sh -c 'npm --version'


Hi Michal,

https://app.box.com/s/93hthxgd3g8w43nct9vvtuhmfj3es63y contains zipped output from
:; truss -o /tmp/npm.truss npm -version

As Till foresaw, you are getting SIGHUP, where you shouldn't:

  newman  ~  tail npm.truss
/1:     write(20, " 6 . 1 3 . 4\n", 7)                  = 7
/1:     write(20, 0xFFDF9850, 0)                        = 0
/2:         Received signal #1, SIGHUP, in port_getn() [default]
/2:           siginfo: SIGHUP pid=1166 uid=2903
/3:         Received signal #1, SIGHUP, in lwp_park() [default]
/2:     port_getn(10, 0xEED88EC0, 1024, 1, 0x00000000)  Err#4 EINTR
/3:     lwp_park(0x00000000, 0)                         Err#4 EINTR
/4:         Received signal #25, SIGCONT, in lwp_park() [default]
/1:         Received signal #24, SIGTSTP [default]

Do you run this command in zone? Does it go away when connected via SSH, or, perhaps, `zlogin -C ...`? Can you update your system?


Hi all,

nope. This is from GZ.

Yes, I can update system ...
BTW, I keep it up to date as possible, writing from:
:; uname -rosv
SunOS 5.11 illumos-c6f039c73e illumos

:; :; beadm list oi_200131.nv440_vbox61
BE                     Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
oi_200131.nv440_vbox61 NR     /          72,2G static 2020-01-31 11:43

So, last BE updates was few days ago... I will send update once system is rebooted.

With best regards.
Predrag Zečević

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Hi all,

I have (right now) updated BE and writing from it...

:; beadm list oi_200206.nv440_vbox61
BE                     Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
oi_200206.nv440_vbox61 NR     /          75,5G static 2020-02-06 12:01

:; uname -rosv
SunOS 5.11 illumos-5801b0f01c illumos

Unfortunately, the problem is not gone:
* new truss file https://app.box.com/s/m2b7yef0ngowcb4ey396yfj3q2yc9htp * created with command
:; truss -o /tmp/npm.truss.$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') npm -version
* file is then compressed with xz

Hi, I don't know how to tackle this myself, so I filed a bug to illumos: https://www.illumos.org/issues/12286.

Can you run this again but this time take a note of the PID of the terminal, where you eventually start the `npm` command, first and then truss the `npm` command as before and send just the last 10 lines of the truss log.


Hi Michal,

What I have found this morning is that that "error" happens only in terminator (terminal), while it works as expected in mate-terminal...
:; ps -ef| grep mate[-]terminal
  global predrag* 16447  1805   0 08:45:46 ?           0:00 mate-terminal

Then in that terminal (no exit):
:; npm -version

I am running
:; ps -ef| grep terminato[r]
global predrag* 1863 1805 1 12:11:03 ? 18:08 /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/terminator

In terminator tab (no screen, or tmux) I have started:
:; truss -o /tmp/npm.truss.$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') npm -version

and that tab has exited, Last 15 lines of that truss file:
:; tail -15 /tmp/npm.truss.20200207T085312
/1:     close(23)                                       = 0
/1:     mprotect(0x40DC2000, 249856, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE) = 0
/1:     mprotect(0x40DC2000, 249856, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC) = 0
/1:     mprotect(0x40DC2000, 249856, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE) = 0
/1:     mprotect(0x40DC2000, 249856, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC) = 0
/1:     mprotect(0x40DC2000, 249856, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE) = 0
/1:     mprotect(0x40DC2000, 249856, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC) = 0
/1:     write(20, " 6 . 1 3 . 4\n", 7)                  = 7
/1:     write(20, 0xFFDF99E0, 0)                        = 0
/1:         Received signal #24, SIGTSTP [default]
/2:         Received signal #1, SIGHUP, in port_getn() [default]
/2:           siginfo: SIGHUP pid=16511 uid=2903
/1:         Received signal #25, SIGCONT [default]
/2:     port_getn(10, 0xEED88EC0, 1024, 1, 0x00000000)  Err#4 EINTR
/3:         Received signal #1, SIGHUP, in lwp_park() [default]

So, can you try it (too) in terminator session?

With best regards.
Predrag Zečević

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Predrag Zečević
Technical Support Analyst
2e Systems GmbH

tel: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 15
mob: +49 - 174 - 3109288
fax: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 94
e-mail: predrag.zece...@2e-systems.com

headquarter: 2e Systems GmbH, Koenigsteiner Str. 87, 65812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
registration: Amtsgericht Koenigstein (Germany), HRB 7303
managing director: Phil Douglas

http://www.2e-systems.com/ - Making your business fly!

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