Am 02.10.19 um 21:46 schrieb Alan Coopersmith:
> On 10/2/19 12:41 PM, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:
>> Am 02.10.19 um 21:16 schrieb Michal Nowak:
>>> Hi,
>>> which nvidia graphics card type you use with OpenIndiana?
>>> Currently we ship the version 340 of nvidia Solaris driver, which
>>> supports following cards:
>>> However, newer devices are not supported in this driver version.
>>> I was wondering if users are fine with a newer version like 390? It
>>> adds new cards but drops old ones. List of supported cards in this
>>> version:
>>> Anyone knows might be affected? (I don't have a plan, just wondering.)
>> What happened to the GeForce family of cards? The newer driver seem only
>> to support Quadro and NVS variants, which are NVIDIA's professional
>> lines.
> The Solaris README has always only documented the professional lines as
> officially supported, since the Solaris driver was intended for use in a
> technical workstation, not a consumer rig.
> Since the driver is built from the same core source code as the Linux
> & Windows
> drivers, it also supports the GeForce cards, you just have to look at the
> README for the corresponding version of the Linux driver to get the
> model list.
>     -alan-
Good to know, thanks.
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