In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox broken after updating...:

IIRC, there was note about dropping support for 32-bit hosts, not guests.

You're likely correct, Alexander.  I can't find the note to verify, but
that makes more sense anyway.

Thanks for the correction.


От: Stephan Althaus <>
Отправлено: 24 марта 2019 г. 22:38:12
Тема: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox broken after updating OpenIndiana 


I don't have an issue with my old "XP pro 2002 SP2" vm's. I'm pretty
shure they're 32bit,
as nothing mentioned in winver.exe about 64 bit, and no directory *wow*
in %WINDIR%, etc..


On 03/24/19 05:24 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox broken after updating...:

I created a new BE during a pkg update this morning but found that
VirtualBox from the openindiana repository was now broken. VirtualBox
GUI starts but VMs crash on starting.

Are your VMs 32 bit?

I applied OI updates last week, and the update of Virtualbox package from
5.2.24 to 6.0.4 required me to tweak a couple things, but overall VB
is working for me.

However, there's note on the Virtualbox site that 6.0 no longer supports
32 bit VMs.  If you need 32 bit VMs, you're supposed to stay with the
5.2 series.  Not sure how you would do that on OI, but anyway.

For me, when I tried to start either of my (64 bit) VMs, I got an error
that the VM was using USB 2.0 and that was not supported.  I had to
the settings in the VM before booting to switch it to USB 1.1, and then
it could boot.

Later on, I realized it was because I had loaded the Virtualbox extension
pack (not the guest additions, though I loaded those too), which had
USB 2.0 support to Virtualbox, which my VMs had been making use of.  I
removed the 5.x extension pack and loaded the 6.0 extension pack, and USB
2.0 is working again.

The OI package of VB still doesn't have working audio, which I hope to
see if I can debug at some point, but the 6.0.4 version seems to have
reliable bi-directional clipboard support.  That's been working much
better than it did under 5.x.


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Tim Mooney                                   
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