On October 29, 2017 8:48:57 PM GMT+01:00, russell <str...@willows7.myzen.co.uk> 
>Just upgraded to latest release of hipster and my Nvidia driver has 
>changed fromĀ  NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-384.69.run according to Nvidia 
>configuration utility to 340.104.
>Checking through my old Nvidia downloads, the 340.46 I downloaded in
>October 2014, is there any reason to be using an Nvidia driver which is
>based on such an old release?
>Also found that Atril does not list any printer including the default 
>openindiana-discuss mailing list

I guess you set up 389 manually. OI so far only bundles 340.*. 

NVidia ships and still releases several major versions of drivers which support 
different sets of video cards - so there seems to be no clear "one version to 
drive any card". 

There's some development going to provide 304.* and 389.* in the repo as 
alternatives for people to try easily.

Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Android

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