Hi Udo
I don't really know what the concrete problem could be but I spotted
some things in you mail where I can give some pointers that might help.
> It's really hard to somehow debug this, you cannot give -as single
> user switch to the kernel since that stops the network (and therefore
> the OS....), so it's impossible to get a shell in the boot process,
> and since the OS itself is hardly fired up at all, there's nothing
> to see or to change there since it does not get there.
Odd. Illumos usually gives a lot of output when started in verbose mode
(-v if I recall correctly). That output usually tells you setting up
network and somesuch so it schould give some information.
Have you also tried to boot with -as and then continue the boot process
by hand? It should be enough start the iscsi Client via svcadm. The Boot
Process does nothing more.
What does the service log of the iscsi client service say when booted
from the Original and what when it's booted from the Clone?
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