I've been attempting to mount an nfs share from a linux host on a vbox
install of hipster (from the recent new *.iso's posted).

First I tested to make sure the share was being exported by mounting
the share from another linux host as client.  I was able to mount it
with no problems.

When I try the same from hipster I get:

  sudo mount -F nfs d1:/pub /nfs/d1-pub

    nfs mount: d1:/pub: No such file or directory

Like it does not recognize the host d1.  Or even that it is a host
name. (Makes me think I've got the command balled up ... but I found
that syntax on several websites)

 (Also tried with: mount -F nfs -o vers=4  d1:/pub /nfs/d1-pub
 with the same result)

But the host is there and has a directory named `/pub'

  ssh d1 "ls -d /pub"
    harry@d1's passwd:
    <enter pw>

nfs client service is running on hipster client:
   svcs|grep nfs/client
  online       7:29:40 svc:/network/nfs/client:default

The line (on linux server d1) in /etc/exports:

  /pub *(rw,sync,insecure,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,nohide)

So what am I doing wrong?

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