On 10/ 7/16 11:58 AM, Nikola M wrote:
On 10/ 7/16 11:36 AM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
On 10/ 7/16 10:36 AM, Nikola M wrote:
On 10/ 7/16 08:59 AM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
On 10/ 6/16 11:49 AM, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
Ok, it seems I managed to miss pyyaml. Will update soon.
FYI, looks like pkg is broken:
After upgrade (this morning), pkg utility is useless:
$ pfexec pkg refresh --full && pfexec pkg update -vn
Linked image publisher check
What are the osnet-incorporation and userland-incorporation versions, in
working BE,
before trying to update? (so to try to reproduce).
So, illumos versions (both "GOOD" and "BAD" one) from my /hipster
Release 5.11 Version illumos-5cbe397 64-bit
Release 5.11 Version illumos-b85b7e0 64-bit
Current (broken pkg) versions:
$ pkg list -Hv | grep -E "(osnet|userland)-incorporation"
Old (good pkg) one (after "beadm mount -s ro oldBE /mnt"):
$ pkg -R /mnt list -Hv | grep -E "(osnet|userland)-incorporation"
Looks like I have *NO* userland-incorporation installed!
I just checked with someone wating to manually update across build
server updates,
without having 'entire' consolidation installed..
.. and it seems like xenol tortched all osnet-incorporation and
userland-incorporation till 09/10/2016,
where oldest osnet is
and oldest userland is
in http://pkg.openindiana.org/hipster/en/advanced_search.shtml .
That invalidates any testing, but updating from 20160421 snapshot ISO to
newest hipster
or updating in between these oldest snapshots and newest hipster.
I wanted to keep all 3 machines I have to oldest /hipster before 09/27
loader landing, but it seems that won't happen.
All I can is keep GRUB with if I want or simply upgrade, get new loader
that can not directly see any previous GRUB BE.
I am forced to have new loader and don't see elegant solution of booting
previous BEs.
Hi all,
my apologies: I have removed userland-incorporation once upon a time in
order to test something from other (build zone) repository (see also
and completely forgot on it.
It came out again when I wanted to test latest thunderbird package (see
[CFT] Thunerbird 45.3.0 announcement in this list).
Someone has shared fix for this problem, and it has worked:
I don't know the proper way to solve the problem but my workaround was
to change /usr/lib/python2.7/vendor-packages/pkg/pipeutils.py.
I added to the import section:
import jsonrpclib.config as rpcconfig
and changed the offending line 412 (now 413) to:
With best regards.
Predrag Zečević
openindiana-discuss mailing list
Predrag Zečević
Technical Support Analyst
2e Systems GmbH
Telephone: +49 6196 9505 815, Facsimile: +49 6196 9505 894
Mobile: +49 174 3109 288, Skype: predrag.zecevic
E-mail: predrag.zece...@2e-systems.com
Headquarter: 2e Systems GmbH, Königsteiner Str. 87,
65812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
Company registration: Amtsgericht Königstein (Germany), HRB 7303
Managing director: Phil Douglas
http://www.2e-systems.com/ - Making your business fly!
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