Thanks for the feedback Alan,

I use c shell as my interactive shell, but as I test your prompt variable, I see that it sets both the shell prompt and the window title.


On 08/18/16 05:25 PM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
On 08/18/16 02:57 PM, Jerry Kemp wrote:
I spend a good part of my life at a shell prompt in a Gnome terminal.

I frequently have a lot of tab's open, and it is helpful for me to set the title
for each tab to some unique setting.

I fired up duckduckgo, and after some searches, I came up with this, as a way to
set the tab title from the command line:

/bin/echo -n "\033]2;your-tab-title-here\007"

This works, but is a little cumbersome.

I've had this in my ~/.cshrc for tcsh for longer that I can remember (since tcsh
was the hot new shell, before zsh, fish, etc. became newer and cooler):

if ($?prompt) then
     if ($?tcsh) then
         if (($term == xterm) || ($term == vs100) || ($term == dtterm)) then
             set prompt='%{\e]2\;%n@%m:%~^g\e]1\;%n@%m^g\r%}%B%n@%m:%b%~ [%t -
%h] '
             set prompt='%B%n@%m:%b%~ [%t - %h] '

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