On 09.08.2016 16:00, Sakuma, Koshiro wrote:
Hi, all;
Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate for your quick response.
BTW, I think I get confused of OpenIndiana and Hipster.
I actually downloaded OpenIndiana Hipster 2016.04 Text Install DVD
(32/64-bit x86)
And I installed it.
Is this the latest version of OpenIndiana right? What is the version of
That is the latest ISO available from servers yes. A new one will be
comming in October.
Now, I changed repository to http://pkg.openindiana.org/hipster
openindiana.org and I am doing "pkg update" now.
I can see many packages are downloading now. Let me clear in here. Is this
correct repository right?
What was the repository after installation? The Installer sets the
correct repository for the ISO you have downloaded. If you downloaded
The Iso you said then yes that is the right repository.
> I mean, all packages are production.
Well as much production as we can make it. We are but a small team of
devs and have limited time. Also all of our work is in our free time. We
make no money with our work.
Professional Distributions exist. SmartOS from Joyent. OmniOS from
OmniTI and NExentaStor from Nexenta.
If you want something with proper Support and release cycle you might
want to have a look at those Illumos Distributions.
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