On 06/28/16 09:50 AM, Nikola M wrote:
On 06/28/16 09:29 AM, Predrag Zečević - Unix Systems Administrator wrote:

On 06/28/16 09:13 AM, Nikola M wrote:
On 06/28/16 08:27 AM, Predrag Zečević - Unix Systems Administrator
Hi All,

after change

time-slider service has failed:

[ Jun 28 07:45:45 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/time-slider
start"). ]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/time-sliderd", line 7, in <module>
    from time_slider.timesliderd import main
  File "/usr/lib/../share/time-slider/lib/time_slider/timesliderd.py",
line 18, in <module>
    import glib
ImportError: No module named glib
Time Slider failed to start: error 1
[ Jun 28 07:45:45 Method "start" exited with status 95. ]

Anyone has idea?

Hi, what is your userland-incorporation ? (and osnet-incorporation).

I have time-slider now online (enabled with GUI, entering admin account
username/password from System>Administration>Time Slider) .
My HD space is low so I suppose it reduces number of snapshots it makes,
but since enabling it made monthly and frequent snapshot (s).

I would like to try to reproduce it, Do you get the message when trying
to have time-slider service online with svcadm?
I didn't reboot yet after enabling it with GUI. Userland 6704 and osnet
15736 here, updated yesterday.
  (userland-incorporation@0.5.11-2016.0.0.6704:20160626T184119Z ,

Hi Nikola,
This is interesting:

About reported bug, alp seems to nailed it,
just need to build and land in /hipster publisher:

See how it goes for you after landing. Btw, do you have any more
complicated/custom time-slider service settings?

$ pkg list | grep -E "(userland|osnet).*incorporation"
consolidation/osnet/osnet-incorporation (openindiana.org)
0.5.11-2016.0.0.15736      i--

[Looks like I have no userland one? Is that OK?]

You can normally have both entire and userland-incorporation and
osnet-incorporation, to be at the same level with regular installs.
I uninstall them only temporarily when testing something.

There is an idea to have also hipster-incorporation, numbered,  so that
one can refer it as both userland-incorporation and osnet-incorporation
when reporting bugs and reproducing.
Untill there is hipster-incorporation one needs to hunt what osnet
coincided with what userland to reproduce packages state at some exact time.

Now one wanting to test/have it's own packages installed removes entire
and userland-incorporation and/or osnet-incorporation , only difference
would be it needs to remove one more incorporation
(hipster-incorporation) or use facets
for it.

Thanks for tip!

That has fixed it:
$ pfexec pkg install -v library/python/pygobject-27

Now I have cleared maintenance and time-slider is started as service...

What is not working yet is System -> Administration -> Time Slider GUI tool for setup... Also, when called from shell:
$ /usr/bin/time-slider-setup

It exists straightaway out w/o any message...

Probably something else is still missing...

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Predrag Zečević
Technical Support Analyst
2e Systems GmbH

Telephone: +49 6196 9505 815, Facsimile: +49 6196 9505 894
Mobile:    +49  174 3109 288,     Skype: predrag.zecevic
E-mail:    predrag.zece...@2e-systems.com

Headquarter:          2e Systems GmbH, Königsteiner Str. 87,
                      65812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
Company registration: Amtsgericht Königstein (Germany), HRB 7303
Managing director:    Phil Douglas

http://www.2e-systems.com/ - Making your business fly!

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