On 15/06/2016 05:56, Nikola M wrote:
On 06/14/16 04:58 PM, Dmitry Kozhinov wrote:
I don't Use iPhone, I use Openindiana.
It is interesting information for OI website, regarding visitors etc, yes.
Website is made for visitors, yes, and it is made for me as OI user.
But It doesn't mean site needs to be ugly and unusable on OI desktop because of
influx of mobile users. Main concern is how it looks like for OI users, second
concern is how it looks for others.

Since the new version of the docs is coded now, it should be
possible to add some javascript that detects users device
parameters and render the sites accordingly. There are
a lot of examples and ready to use code how to do that in javascript.
I think that should also be the goal of the new version to facilitate
dynamical rendering serving best the presently connected device.

I really hate those projects where that is fixed based on the
"majority" with a "standard" viewing device (like it happened
in Gnome3, Unity, and the like). The world has moved on to
modern dynamic technics, and the new docs project should use
those goodies to render dynamically from a lightweight coded
docs repository which Michael is developing now.
Dr.Udo Grabowski   Inst.f.Meteorology & Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology           http://www.kit.edu
Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026

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