As there were several comments, I'd like to clarify the plan and answer
some questions.
The overall goal is to decline less from upstream userland-gate and
We are going to follow the path which was chosen by Oracle in
Basic macroses are not touched. Compilers still produce 32-bit binaries
default. 64-bit binaries are produced when necessary and delivered in
if 32-bit binaries are not present. We'd like to avoid delivering 32-bit
64-bit libraries are delivered to /usr/lib/amd64,
32-bit libraries are preserved.
Next Perl version will be 64-bit only, likely as the next next Python
(3.5?) version.
A.L.> - How do you intend to modify the macros in oi-userland affected
by such
change ?
A.L.> - Are we going to coordinate such change with OmniOS, DilOS ?
A.L.> - How does that affect the SFE crew ?
A.L.> - Also what do you do with x11 ? Still ship 32bit and use isaexec
OmniOS and Dilos already doesn't claim to support 64-bit binaries. Dilos
I think is closer to us,
as it uses the same build system, AFAIK, it didn't have to do build
system modifications to
produce 64-bit binaries. So, what macroses do you mean?
Ideally this will not affect current SFE version, as we preserve 32-bit
libs, but this affects
future SFE builds (which should account, for example, for 64-bit Perl).
As for x11, I don't see sense in shipping 32-bit X server binaries or
modules. So, I think we'll
also follow upstream here. Deliver 64-bit binaries in /usr/bin and
symlinks from in /usr/bin/amd64 to
the binaries.
System Administrator of Southern Federal University Computer Center
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