Ah, nevermind.
You already found it out yourself as I see in  

The problem is that at *****13 dec 2012***** the structure from this file was 
changed, but the plugin was not.
Current version:
struct cpuid_get_hwcap {
char *cgh_archname;
uint_t cgh_hwcap[2];
}; Previous version:
struct cpuid_get_hwcap {
char *cgh_archname;
uint_t cgh_hwcap;

Either sombody of the few whom I told this "spoke too much", or somebody else 
found it out.
This is it what I was referring and hinting to since spring 2013.

Then I won't need to publish "my" hack, I should have made the public release 


>Четверг,  7 января 2016, 22:40 +03:00 от Мартин Бохниг <opens...@mail.ru>:
>>Четверг,  7 января 2016, 11:01 -08:00 от Bill Sommerfeld < 
>>sommerf...@hamachi.org >:
>>On 01/07/16 06:37, Andrey Sokolov wrote:
>>>  http://os-solaris.ru/plagin-flash-player-v-oi-hipster/
>>So didn't work out of the box on my system but I got it working with a few
>>minor changes.
>>It turns out that you don't need the asm() at the end - you can just always
>>pass "ps" as the final argument to real_ioctl() (it will be ignored if it's
>>not relevant).  I'll share a cleaned-up version if I get a chance.
>>- Bill
>But only Flash Player 10.x or really 11.x?
>However, the real fix is a fix deep in Illumos.
>I wanted to publish it long ago, but in the past there were certain "issues".
>Now I really want, but didn't have the time due to the FF43 port and now KMS.
>Are you over at Illumos interested?
>Is it possible for Martin Bochnig to join your illumos-devel list?
>%martin bochnig
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