On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 2:02 AM, Jim Klimov <jimkli...@cos.ru> wrote:

> Got no qualms about ssh (or openvpn) on port 443 - indeed, if one sets up
> something non-standard, gotta be ready for the consequences. And to all
> ids'es and sniffers, cryptotraffic looks much the same (different dynamic
> flow patterns may be discerned by the smarter filters out there though).

I think you underestimate sniffers and IDS's.  While it's true that
individual TCP packets in an encrypted stream may look the same, TLS and
SSH have very different initial negotiation routines. I've never
encountered a sniffer that did protocol identification and didn't know the

Now, distinguishing between two protocols that *both* use TLS would be more

D. Brodbeck
System Administrator, Linguistics
University of Washington
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