I recently tried to (re)join a OI machine to my companies AD. I had it joined 
previously but my AD integration broke when the AD admins turned on LDAPS. OI 
does not have the required libraries to join an AD environment that has LDAPS 

You can troubleshoot this further if you issue the join command yourself and at 
the same time running it in debug mode:

net ads join -U username -d5

If the domain you are trying to join does have LDAPS enabled you should see 
this line, "StartTLS not supported by LDAP client libraries!", a few lines from 
the bottom when the join completes. Unless you have other errors that first 
need fixing. Eventually however once you have them all sorted out you will get 
this error.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Martin [mailto:amar...@xes-inc.com] 
Sent: 08 October 2014 20:56
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Join to AD Domain with HA kpasswd server


I am attempting to join an OpenIndiana server to an Active Directory domain for 
authenticating smb/server following this guide:

However, I do not want to specify just a single domain controller in the kdc, 
admin_server, and kpasswd_server fields since that would be a single point of 
failure. I have a pair of forwarding servers that host a VIP (ad.example.com) 
and NAT traffic to any of the available DCs, so I'd prefer to put the hostname 
of this VIP in these fields instead:

   default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM

       kdc = ad.example.com
       admin_server = ad.example.com
       kpasswd_server = ad.example.com
       kpasswd_protocol = SET_CHANGE

   .example.com = EXAMPLE.COM

However, this doesn't work when I run "smbadm join":
Tree Connection SUCCEEDED (0)
Authentication SUCCEEDED (0) for administra...@example.com by dc0 Using 
ad.example.com (dc0) as DC for domain example.com (example) Tree Connection 
SUCCEEDED (0) Authentication SUCCEEDED (0) for administra...@example.com by dc0 
getting initial credentials (Incorrect net address) getting initial credentials 
(Incorrect net address) Joining domain to alter computer account FAILED (1) 
using administra...@example.com credentials.
Failed to connect to an Active Directory server.
Joining domain failed (c0000001)

I think this "Incorrect net address" error is occurring because the address 
list provided to Kerberos contains the IP addresses of the OpenIndiana server, 
not the NAT server (ad.example.com). According to the manpage, I should be able 
to add no_addresses to the [appdefaults] section to request an address-less

   default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM

       kdc = ad.example.com
       admin_server = ad.example.com
       kpasswd_server = ad.example.com
       kpasswd_protocol = SET_CHANGE

   .example.com = EXAMPLE.COM

        kinit = {
                renewable = true
                forwardable = true
                no_addresses = true

However, doing this does not improve the situation when running "smbadm join".
This DOES work when running "kinit" manually. Changing the kdc, admin_server, 
and kpasswd_server to use one of the DCs directly, e.g dc0.example.com, makes 
"smbadm join" work successfully. What can I do to successfully join the domain 
using this NAT server for HA?


Andrew Martin

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